Trend Model 8 12 22

by | Friday, August 12, 2022 - 3:27pm

Bullish as all three timeframes for both moving average model and price model are bullish.

1) Trend Model Indexes: (SP500, SP400, SP600, NDX, SP500EW – need 3 out of 5 for RISK ON)
A) Moving Average Cross Model: Risk On 8/2/22
– 8/21: RISK ON 7/20/22
– 20/50: RISK ON 8/2/22
– **5/200: RISK ON 8/1122

B) Price Cross Model: Risk On 7/27/22
– 21 Day: Risk ON 7/19/22
– 50 Day: RISK ON 7/27/22
– **200 Day: RISK ON 8/10/22

**Changed last week

*Price model more sensitive than moving average model, use moving average model as confirmation to price model.

2) Trend Model detail – indexes, sectors, and industry groups.

trend model summary
trend model summary risk on/off ma
trend model summary risk on/off price

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